Party 05. - 06.10.19 · Indoor · Buenos Aires, Argentinien Line-Up: 00:00 a 01:00 Moksha 01:00 a 02:00 Blindsmile 02:00 a 03:00 The Sign 03:00 a 04:00 Pato Mendez (Cumple) 04:00 a 05:00 The Last (Argenpsy) 05:00 a 06:00 Virtual Illusion 06:00 a 07:00 Dexther (The Pant…Location: Vox Buenos Aires Sitio Oficia Calle Hipólito Yrigoyen 968 C1… Vorbei: 5j 5m · 187 · Eingetragen von moksha Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Namaste Buenos Aires · Argentinien · Karte Sa., 05.10.19, 23:30 - So., 06.10., 07:00= 7std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 5j 5m