Party 25. - 26.09.09 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: AREA 1: PROGRESSIVE / PSY-TRANCE / FULL ON PSY 23:00-01:00 Mimics & Supergroover (Bleep Bizarre, NL) 01:00-02:00 DJ: Younger Brother (Twisted Records, UK) 02:00-03:00 LIVE: Prometheus (Twisted Records…Info: To dispel all the rumors about Earthdance and the MS Stubnitz: Namasté Earthdance 2009 will be happening coming weekend also on the MS Stubnitz. Namasté is pleased to announce that the council of Amst…Location: MS Stubnitz / NDSM Werf Vorbei: 15j 4m · 3.106 · Eingetragen von TamTam Fotos0 People Namasté - Earthdance Amsterdam · Niederlande Fr., 25.09.09, 23:00 - Sa., 26.09., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 4m