Party 28.08.11, 12:00 - 23:30 · Open Air · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: NAMASTÉ STAGE: FULL ON / PROGRESSIVE / WORLD BEATS / REGGEA 12:00-15:00 O.D. Plus (Namasté/Clan Of SPeace, NL) 15:00-18:00 Abyssinian Sounds (Namasté/Clan of SPeace, NL) 18:00-20:00 Riches (Paralello…Info: TICKETS: Buy your Magneet Festival tickets online at MORE INFO: Visit for more festival information, the full festival program, campsite sleeping possibilities (max. 500 people) and passe partout tick…Location: Oostpunt (Zeeburgereiland), IJdijk 10, 1095 KM Amsterdam Vorbei: 13j 6m · 969 · Eingetragen von TamTam Fotos0 People Namasté & Bom Voyage @ Magneet Festival Amsterdam · Niederlande So., 28.08.11, 12:00 - 23:30= 11std 30minOpen Air · Vorbei: 13j 6m