Party 25. - 26.12.04 · Indoor · 50129 Bergheim (bei Niederaußem), Deutschland / 1 Line-Up: klopfgeister live live act since 2001 style: psytrance & ambient, club synchron, live accustic instruments marathi live live act since 1999 style: melodic full on, psy trance, marathi`s kickbeat***** psy floor ***** atti dj since 1993 style: trance, psytrance, goa, full on miracle events cult-arnsberg darko dj since 1993 style: style: melodic full on, psy trance, mara…Info: check out our Naked-Festival CD Mix Compilation. 60 Minutes of trance, psy & goa, absolutely limited edition (500 worldwide) produced by marvin koala & salva claim, available on under the menue point…Location: Wasserburg Geretzhoven, indoor & beheizt Wasserburg Geretzho… Vorbei: 20j 2m · 5.988 · Eingetragen von marvinkoala Fotos0 People Naked - feat. marvin koala b-day -Wasserburg Geretzhoven- 50129 Bergheim (bei Niedera… · Deutschland Sa., 25.12.04, 22:00 - So., 26.12., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 20j 2m