Party 03. - 04.02.24 · Club · Luzern, Schweiz Line-Up: PSYTRANCE: NARXZ Linchen Gord Fluidlake b2b Ollii Dopamine Von Maquina HARDCORE TECHNO: ONX Sketchy Wally Artemis Info: ENG: Dear Clowns, We welcome you to attend Kunterbunt Collective's first official rave at the Sedel Club in Lucerne. We are a new local collective and for our event we offer a mystic night with a circ…Location: Sedelhof 2, , 6020 Luzern Vorbei: 1j 27t · 472 · Eingetragen von Kunterbuntrave Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Mystic Circus Luzern · Schweiz · Karte Sa., 03.02.24, 23:00 - So., 04.02., 07:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 1j 27t