Party 21. - 22.09.24 · Open Air · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: Svajigt [Muimina Sounds] Thortrillion X [Muimina Sounds] Silent Alkaloid [Muimina Sounds] Full Lotus [Parvati Records] ChoZen Jo [Milega Records] Nogoa [Muimina Sounds / Medulla Oblongata] Fluoe…Info: Salutations everybody, We are excited to announce our next event, coming up on September 21st in London Town and featuring 2 artists and 3 guests who will be flying over from Scandinavia to entice us… Vorbei: 6m 9t · 202 · Eingetragen von Muimina Sounds Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Muimina Sounds Chapter 3 London · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 21.09.24, 23:00 - So., 22.09., 18:00= 19stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 6m 9t