Party 20. - 21.10.12 · Indoor · !!NEW Location!!! near Wittstock , Deutschland / 5 Line-Up: Dancefloor Live : ----- * ALTIUS ( Hypnotica rec. ) . swe . * * KRAFT ( Organic Alchemy rec. ) . rus . * * WHRIKK ( Sanaton rec. ) . nl . * * ODR (Real Vision Music / Treetrolla rec.…Dj & Djane : ----- * KRAZY KRIS (Real Vision Music) . nl . Intro Set * * SABI ( Hypnotica rec / Wild 7 rec.) .swe. * * MADEMOISELLE CHAOZ (Damaru rec.) .ger. * 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o…Info: Movin Circle “Underworld“, is the first part of a triology we want to present to you to give you the possibility to experience to a trance ritual arranged with much love. Together we will travel deepl…Location: Location : !!! NEW NEW NEW !!! Secret Underground Location n… Vorbei: 12j 4m · 3.256 · Eingetragen von mOe...-FREIer HEIDe-... Fotos0 People Movin Circle "Underworld" NEW Loc Altius - Kraft - Whrikk * !!NEW Location!!! near Witt… · Deutschland Sa., 20.10.12, 20:00 - So., 21.10., 10:00= 14stdIndoor · / 5 · Vorbei: 12j 4m