Party 16. - 17.01.10 · Indoor · hoboken, Belgien Line-Up: BOMBAX ''live''SHAWNODESE MOP vs NETASIBES HAZAXOR NORION (b2b) YUGA VS HEXAMENDRON SYNTRAX ERROR VS STARELVE(oldskool/acid)Info: dj M.O.P. 27th anniversery celebration FLYER INC SOON with the profit from the party we wil support / donate to max 200 partyfreaksLocation: de schietgang fort 8 te hoboken Vorbei: 15j 1m · 4.773 · Eingetragen von M.O.P. Fotos0 People M.O.P. SYNDROME hoboken · Belgien Sa., 16.01.10, 22:00 - So., 17.01., 09:00= 11stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 1m