Party 26. - 27.06.10 · Open Air · Where wolves howl to the moon - Abruzzo, Italien / 8 Line-Up: ...:: TRANCE BECAUSE OF DANCE NOT BECAUSE OF DRUGS ::... Every year the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter are two very important junctures of climatic change and solar influence. These t…INCREDIBLE TIDE (PEAK Rec. - LOONEY MOON) PEDROINE (PSYCHOLABELZ ) PSYCHOVER (PSYCHOLABELZ - SOUTH TRANCE SOUL project ) SKYGUIDE (NAVARATRI - MMH Rec.) DR FRANZ ( MACKY MAD HOUSE Rec. ) RQ SINA…Info: *** Chai Shop by Ethnobotanic Herbolarium Oriental Food Essays by Kem_het *** Mirus Mundus - *** Aty-Art litt…Location: Friend's private land with a little wood - Abruzzo area *** Vorbei: 14j 7m · 4.428 · Eingetragen von ॐSkyguide-Navaratri-MMH Fotos0 People MOONHOWL - Full Moon Party Where wolves howl to the mo… · Italien Sa., 26.06.10, 22:00 - So., 27.06., 15:00= 17stdOpen Air · / 8 · Vorbei: 14j 7m