Party 07. - 08.03.09 · Indoor · Obergünzburg,bei Ulm,Münch,Lindau,Augsbu, Deutschland / 2 Line-Up: SOLANO (Iono Records) presents the new Album - Under the white Flag Their 2nd album 'Under the white flag' is the follow-up to their hugely successful debut album "Blackout", which has been…Mainfloor: Tony Voyeur (Spintwist Rec.) EL Fabio (Midijum) Djane Koko (ElectroHippies, 24-7 Rec. ) Groove Floor: Sliver (ElectroHippies) Funky G-Star (ElectroHippies) Mammutgroove dj team(S-Warp vs.Gl…Info: Shuttlebus fährt ab 2009 um 23Uhr in Kempten Hbf los. Platzreservierung erforderlich. Tel.: 01716703713Location: Club Go In Vorbei: 16j · 3.231 · Eingetragen von EL Fabio Fotos0 People MOONCHILD Obergünzburg,bei Ulm,Münch,… · Deutschland Sa., 07.03.09, 22:00 - So., 08.03., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 2 · Vorbei: 16j