Party 12. - 13.04.25 · Indoor · Zürich, Schweiz Info: We are absolutely thrilled to share this great news with you. We invite all of you to come and spend a unforgettable Night with us! The MoDem Teaser Switzerland is sheduled for 12 of April at Zinkbad…Location: Zinkbad, Aargauerstrasse 240, 8048 Zürich Startet in 30t 22std · 575 · Aktualisiert vor 1m 3t · Eingetragen von Changa Children Meeting0 People MoDem Teaser Switzerland Zürich · Schweiz · Karte Sa., 12.04.25, 22:00 - So., 13.04., 22:00= 1tIndoor · Startet in 30t 22std