Party 07. - 08.04.07 · Indoor · Madrid, Spanien Line-Up: DJ De Palo & DJ Abbot (Yas'ta Residents) DJ Can (Mithology)Info: Mithology and Fundación Watusi present their "BEAT DA STREET"- project at Sala Yas'ta. This party is dedicated to those who want to celebrate spring, Madrileñan fun and share their hopes wit…Location: Trance Before Midnight! We will meet first at bar "EL D… Vorbei: 17j 11m · 1.019 · Eingetragen von Niña-chan Fotos0 People Mithology & Fundación Watusi @ Yas'ta Madrid · Spanien Sa., 07.04.07, 02:30 - So., 08.04., 07:00= 1t 4stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 11m