Party 06. - 07.12.19 · Club · Barcelona, Spanien Line-Up: ★ CHEMA ESCUDERO [Vinyl Set] ★ DAT Records ★ ★ CHIKI [Vinyl Set] ★ CosmiK ★ ★ ALBERTO LORENTE [Vinyl Set] ★ Aluch303 ★ ★ CÉSAR MIMESIS [Oldschool Set] ★ Suntrip Records ★Info: Following the sequence of great nights, we head to our December's date with the compromise of try to offer really different and special nights this season! And that's why for the ocassion we bring you…Location: MIMESIS CLUB (WOLF BCN) C/ Almogàvers, 86-88, 08018 Barcelon… Vorbei: 5j 3m · 1.460 · Eingetragen von Mimesis Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Mimesis CLUB - December / Special Retro Vinyl Edition! Barcelona · Spanien · Karte Fr., 06.12.19, 23:30 - Sa., 07.12., 06:00= 6std 30minClub · Vorbei: 5j 3m