Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 13. - 14.07.12 · Indoor · Salzburg, Österreich Line-Up: ..... DR.HOFFMAN (Mexico) ..... <<S.D.I.>> (Astartica-lab)ECLIPSE (Syntax Sense) PSY - MAX (Syntax Sense) PHRELEC (Psyko Active) GENESIS (Syntax Sense) MICRODOT (24/7) Minimal/Chill-out floor hosted by Wonderlab: RAPHAEL LAX (Wonderlab) SCOVILLE (Wonde…Info: Syntax Sense proudly presents Dr.Hoffman from Mexico. First time in Austria!! Cris aka Dr.Hoffman has been doing mass trance hypnosis and collective hallucinations since the year 2000. Mexican psytran…Location: Mark Salzburg Hannakstraße 17 5023 Salzburg Vorbei: 12j 8m · 3.407 · Eingetragen von dome Fotos0 People MEXICAN ACID mit Dr.Hoffman (MX) presented by Syntax Sense Salzburg · Österreich · Karte Fr., 13.07.12, 22:00 - Sa., 14.07., 04:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 8m