Party 27. - 28.04.19 · Indoor · Moscow, Russland Line-Up: LIVE ACTS KINETIK FLUX MMC ARHITECH PSYCOMA ILLUMICORP CRITICAL SELECTION PSYCHOREEN DJs KASYMANY ACIDELIC BIG GUYInfo: As Metacore Festival we have underground gatherings with different crews from around the world! We are glad to announce that Our Russian teaser will be held in Moscow together with the UFO Family and…Location: Live Stars Moscow RUSSIA Vorbei: 5j 10m · 793 · Eingetragen von MetaCortex Records Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People METACORE Festival Teaser RUSSIA Moscow · Russland · Karte Sa., 27.04.19, 23:30 - So., 28.04., 10:00= 10std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 5j 10m