Party 26.04.03, 23:30 - 23:30 · Indoor · Vlierzele/Belgium, Deutschland Line-Up: DARK SOHO LIVE!!!(ALCHEMY RECORDS/ISRAEL) They have never been in Belgium, were they ever in Germany???? Live guitarzzzz...killer tracks (Depth of emotion)Shane Gobi (Alchemy Records/UK) Boxer (Dark Soho/Israel) Anoebis (Schlabbaduerst rek./BE) Tohm (GOARANA/BE) The Belgium dj's play old skool melodic goa on his best...but Tohm is starting so probably a…Location: place for 1200 people but only 800 will be allowed!!! more p… Vorbei: 21j 8m · 1.137 · Eingetragen von German Goa Fans Fotos0 People Merrie Melodies VS Dark SOHO Live!!! Vlierzele/Belgium · Deutschland Sa., 26.04.03, 23:30 - 23:30= jetztIndoor · Vorbei: 21j 8m