Party 08. - 09.12.17 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland Line-Up: ▲Meeting of the Minds Vol 2.0 : Berlin▲ YAAM Friday 8th December, 2017, Berlin 23hs-10hs Meeting of The Minds is an epic gathering of the most influential producers and label owners of the Hi Tech, Da…Location: YAAM Berlin An der Schillingbrücke 3 10243 Berlin Vorbei: 7j 3m · 3.491 · Eingetragen von Meeting of the Minds Fotos0 People Meeting of the Minds Vol. 2.0 Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 08.12.17, 22:00 - Sa., 09.12., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 3m