¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Member Login Party 19. - 20.12.15 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 1 Line-Up: ▲AUDIO WIZARDRY KINDZA •●• LIVE •●• RUSSIA Osom Music soundcloud.com/kindza facebook.com/OsomKdd/?fref=ts KASHYYYK •●• LIVE •●• MEXICO Kamino Records soundcloud.com/kashyyyk-kamino facebook.com/kas…Info: ▲Meeting of the Minds Vol 1.0 : Berlin Saturday 19th December, 2015, Berlin Meeting of the Minds is an epic gathering of four of the most influential producers, label owners and master aliens of the H…Location: YAAM Berlin An der Schillingbrücke 3, 10243 Berlin, Germany Vorbei: 9j 2m · 2.189 · Eingetragen von StrAnGe_GuY Fotos0 People Meeting of the Minds Vol 1.0 Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 19.12.15, 23:30 - So., 20.12., 10:00= 10std 30minIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 9j 2m