Party 10.03.13, 22:00 - 22:00 · Open Air · Kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: WHITE WIZARD. DIGITAL SHIVA REC. (JP) TANDAV ASSINS TREMORS UNDERGROUND REC. (IND)ZION (NEP) MYK (NEP) SUGAR CUBE (RUS)Info: There will be tents at the venue.Food and drink stall. Some percentage of income will be used for buying stationaries items for the local school children in the area. It s located in a park outside ka…Location: Direction: From Sita Paila Ring Road head towards Ramkot the… Vorbei: 11j 11m · 2.013 · Eingetragen von Laal Fotos0 People Maha Shivaratri Kathmandu · Nepal So., 10.03.13, 22:00 - 22:00= jetztOpen Air · Vorbei: 11j 11m