Party 27. - 28.05.16 · Indoor · Lima, Peru Line-Up: Hertz B2B Herzius Jean Ce Pat Zadik (switzerland) Galax Kike AlzamoraInfo: We were enjoying a long break and living in synch our lives and we can only think of one thing, to return and prepare for you a spectacular psychedelic night. We invite you to celebrate an unforgettab…Location: Lukumbé Bar. Av la Marina 1396, Pueblo libre - Lima/ Peru (… Vorbei: 8j 9m · 229 · Eingetragen von pat zadik Fotos0 People Lost in Time - psychedelic trance party Lima · Peru · Karte Fr., 27.05.16, 22:00 - Sa., 28.05., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 9m