Party 08. - 09.03.14 · Indoor · Zürich, Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: Special Guest: ~Zik~ (Zikworld) Greece Cracked Nozes (Deviant Force) Germany, Portugal !!! First Time in Swiss!!! Malkaviam (Booteshwara/ Wild7) VenezuelaDigitalist (Deviant Force/ Another Dimension) SwissInfo: Once more Jigsaw & Rainer Wahnsinn strike back to blast Switzerland. This one will be our First trip under our new Label "Lost in Reality" wich will be responsible for all further events. It…Location: Ampere Club Affoltern am Albis Vorbei: 11j 1t · 1.680 · Eingetragen von Rainer Wahnsinn Fotos0 People Lost in Reality > First Trip < Zürich · Schweiz Sa., 08.03.14, 22:00 - So., 09.03., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 11j 1t