Party 06. - 07.04.13 · Indoor · athens, Griechenland Line-Up: ABRAHADABRA(Parvati rec.)~after their new album and for the very first time in greece Abrahadabra is the project of 3 danish dudes, Jahbo, Alrune and b8st born and developed by the forest of Moesgaar…JAHBO(Parvati rec.) ~~~~ ALRUNE(Parvati rec.) first time in greece ~~~…Location: FAKTORY(X-FAVELA) PETROU RALLH 29&KRHTHS 1 Vorbei: 11j 11m · 1.086 · Eingetragen von divinorum Fotos0 People LIQUIDMINDS presents PARVATI session in athens athens · Griechenland Sa., 06.04.13, 23:00 - So., 07.04., 09:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 11m