Party 31.05. - 01.06.14 · Indoor · Dordrecht, Niederlande Line-Up: JeePsteRiouS [ 3rd BIT ] Fatcat [ TCP / IP ] Jocid [ Pixan rec. ] vs Darzid [ Psychedelic.FM / Retroshaman rec. ] Nilezz [ 3rd BIT ] vs Paul B [ 3rd BIT / Trishula rec. ]Info: Following the first edition the 22nd of March, Psychedelic Affaire and 3rd BIT Events will organise the second edition the 31st of May. The organisation has purpose to continuously develop th…Location: Bibelot, Noordendijk 148 Vorbei: 10j 9m · 588 · Eingetragen von DJ Paul B Fotos0 People Liquid Night Dordrecht · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 31.05.14, 22:00 - So., 01.06., 04:30= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 9m