Party 22. - 23.03.14 · Indoor · Athens, Griechenland Line-Up: ---JOTI SIDHU aka PSYCHAOS LIVE It was Acid House in 1988 that got Joti SiDHU aka PSYCHAOS & KRANE hooked on electronic dance music. It was also the same year that he started djing in bars and clubs…--NIKOS LIQUID LOVE WOMB Nikos Liatsikas was born 1972 in Athens(GREECE). My love for the music was there from my teenage years playing as a DJ at school events. Subseq…Info: VENUE: ΡΟΔΟΝ LIVE 55 (Rodon live55.). ΛΕΩΦΟΡΟ ΣΥΓΓΡΟΥ 55 & ΦΡΑΝΤΖΗ, ΝΕΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑ Surrgou 55 perioxi fix, Athens, Greece. CAPACITY: 500+ PARKINGLocation: VENUE: ΡΟΔΟΝ LIVE 55 (Rodon live55.). ΛΕΩΦΟΡΟ ΣΥΓΓΡΟΥ 55 & Φ… Vorbei: 10j 11m · 631 · Eingetragen von Nikos Liquid Love Fotos0 People LIQUID LOVE Presents PSYCHAOS Recordings Launch Party... JOTI SIDHU aka PSYCHAOS Athens · Griechenland Sa., 22.03.14, 23:00 - So., 23.03., 08:30= 9std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 11m