Party 17. - 18.02.07 · Indoor · Mechelen, Belgien Line-Up: Babajaka (Explorer/Spacevision) GER Safi Connection (Spliff Music) ISRMOP (Antz-In-Progrezz) Ricola (Space Vision) GER Ramses (Mad Mystica) Neurologic (Sawa) GER Strophoria (Mad Mystica) Norion (Mad Mystica)Info: There will be a winter-open air-chill out. On a small beach next to the dance hall and a pound, with fire, hot chocolat, Jägermeisterstand, Gluhwein, jeneverLocation: Battelsteenweg 2800 Mechelen please make reservations on Vorbei: 17j 11m · 2.183 · Eingetragen von Ashanti Fotos0 People Light Echoes Mechelen · Belgien Sa., 17.02.07, 22:00 - So., 18.02., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 11m