Party 11. - 12.07.15 · Indoor · Wien, Österreich Line-Up: Mainfloor: Psytrance Matsumoto Zoku (jap) LIVE Caban (lebeliebelache) Weberknecht Loungefloor:Deephouse-Techhouse Dj Peter Pan (friends electric)Info: Pressetext: MATSUMOTO ZOKU Contemporary Stateless Musical Duo, Koji Matsumoto and Reo Matsumoto. Matsumoto Zoku, like fish in the river of life, move with the natural flow of sound and energy. They me…Location: Weberknecht Lerchenfeldergürtel 47-49 1160 Wien Vorbei: 9j 7m · 1.055 · Eingetragen von Weber Fotos0 People LebeLiebeLache Night with Matsumoto Zoku (jap) LIVE Wien · Österreich · Karte Sa., 11.07.15, 22:00 - So., 12.07., 04:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 9j 7m