Party 21. - 22.11.09 · Club · Budapest, Ungarn Line-Up: krill, minima (D) John Hornak (CAN)DJ Soulrise (HU)Info: krill.minima – info krill.minima is one of the projects of german electronic musician and sound artist Martin Juhls, who is also well known to the ambient music scene with his orchestral alter ego Mar…Location: Cökxpôn Café Theater H-1095. Bp. Soroksári út 8-10. (Boráros… Vorbei: 15j 3m · 1.721 · Eingetragen von Pupilla Fotos0 People krill,minima (D) , Cökxpôn Ambient Festival Budapest · Ungarn Sa., 21.11.09, 21:00 - So., 22.11., 04:00= 7stdClub · Vorbei: 15j 3m