Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 05. - 06.05.12 · Indoor · Algarve - only by sms, Portugal Line-Up: KONNEKTOR (Woorpz Recs/Carpe Diem Recs) MYSTICAL SYSTEM (Geomagnetic rec / Digital compact / Colaboranisto) ELECTRONIC CONCEPT (Geomagnetic rec / Digital compact / Colaboranisto)DILUIGY (Nostradamus/Colaboranisto) SPAWNED (Nostradamus/Colaboranisto) Djane COGUIE (Nostradamus/Broken Beats/Magic Vibes/Colaboranisto) SIDE FX (Nostradamus/Colaboranisto)Info: ++351 968345178 ++351 911517785Location: Only by sms Vorbei: 12j 10m · 1.262 · Eingetragen von theo-Nostradamus Fotos0 People KONNEKTION PARTY by Digital Compact Recs & Colaboranisto AC Algarve - only by sms · Portugal Sa., 05.05.12, 23:30 - So., 06.05., 09:00= 9std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m