Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 19. - 20.05.12 · Indoor · Shanghai, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: Kodama (Magic Garden Concept, BE) vs Gotama (GoaProductions, BE)Info: On 19 May, once again the powers of psychedelics and grooving basses will clash! This time the arena of choice will be the infamous Dada Club! Come watch the spectacle, with “The Master of Disaster” –…Location: Dada 115 Xingfu Lu (near Fahuazhen Lu), 幸福$… Vorbei: 12j 9m · 788 · Eingetragen von Gotama Fotos0 People Kodama vs Gotama II Shanghai · Volksrepublik China Sa., 19.05.12, 22:00 - So., 20.05., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 9m