Party 25. - 26.10.03 · Indoor · Slany 30km North from Prague, 15 from the airport, Tschechien Line-Up: Kluster (Sweden) Mutant Star (CZ)HedoniX ss: PsyriX MP Astral Moveo PrenatalInfo: Kluster aka Michael Pettersson comes from Swedish Örebro - Nothern Goa of Trans. He describes his own music as "dark psychedelic super trance", so be careful for the dose while listening & d…Location: 30 km from Prague - public transportation Vorbei: 21j 4m · 1.279 · Eingetragen von Prenatal Fotos0 People Kluster @ Psyrcus Slany 30km North from Pragu… · Tschechien Sa., 25.10.03, 20:30 - So., 26.10., 20:30= 1t 1stdIndoor · Vorbei: 21j 4m