Party 15. - 16.10.11 · Indoor · obergünzburg, Deutschland Line-Up: Time in Motion (Iono Music, Denmark) Since the project was created in 2008, Time in Motion have been pushing themselves and their production to become one of 2009 most hottest progressive names on the…Proggy Floor EL Fabio (Iono Music) llezzaro (Iono Music) Se.Sa.Ta (ElectroHippies, Austria) Electric Lounge Floor: Dj´s: Phrenetic-X (Electric Lounge) pressure s. (Electric Lounge) dexxis (Electric Lo…Info: Infos: special Sound System, special Chill out Area with fresh Fruits & Chai, friendly Security, Einlaß ab 18 Jahren Start: 22 Uhr Eintritt: 12 € Location: Club Go In - Kaufbeurer Str.34 - 87634 Oberg…Location: club go in kaufbeurerstr.34 D-87634 obergünzburg Vorbei: 13j 4m · 2.379 · Eingetragen von EL Fabio Fotos0 People KLANG REGEN obergünzburg · Deutschland Sa., 15.10.11, 22:00 - So., 16.10., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 4m