Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 31.03. - 01.04.07 · Club · Zürich, Schweiz Line-Up: D-NOX & BECKERS (Sprout Rec. Barogue Rec. Germany) (presents the new album "Left Behind") LA BAAZ (Echoes Records, CH)D-NOX (Sprout Rec. Baroque Rec. Germany) LA BAAZ (Plusquam Rec., CH) KARA_MÄHL (Echoes Rec. / Sexualproduction.ch) GIRL (Bern, CH) ONDREJ (Kumquat Tunes, CH)Info: D-NOX Bio: With a DJ career now entering its 13th year, D-nox has become an internationally renowned performer, respected by DJ’s and clubbers alike for his unusual and innovative sets. The style of h…Location: PIRATE Club Hohlstrasse 457 8048 Zürich New Party Location i… Vorbei: 17j 11m · 2.299 · Eingetragen von Kara_Mähl Fotos0 People KINKY BEATS -- D-NOX & BECKERS Live / presents new album Zürich · Schweiz Sa., 31.03.07, 22:30 - So., 01.04., 11:00= 12std 30minClub · Vorbei: 17j 11m