Party 05.07.06, 23:30 - 23:30 · Indoor · ATHENS, Griechenland Line-Up: -REDAX MENTAL [SLO / Plutonic Records] DARK ELF [FR / GR / Discovalley Records]Info: BE THERE PPL ! Redax has incredible mixing skills :)Location: REDSEA, Potamianu 23, behind holiday inn Hotel, mihalakopoul… Vorbei: 18j 7m · 1.412 · Eingetragen von dark elf Fotos0 People KGB MIDWEEK DARKPSY SPECIAL, dark and night Full-on Athens · Griechenland Mi., 05.07.06, 23:30 - 23:30= jetztIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 7m