Party 11. - 12.02.12 · Indoor · Aarhus, Dänemark Line-Up: First time in Denmark & award of best new artist 2011 :: CAPTAIN HOOK (Iboga Records) ISRAEL New EP release :: SYSTEM NIPEL (Noga Records) ISRAEL. DIGICULT (Dacru Records) BELGIUM Completely new…Brandt (Scientific Sequence Records) DENMARK Momtaz ( DENMARKInfo: HALLO all trance people. We are again making a great event at the best location @ Denmark, this party are number 4 party we make in the legandarik culture house in Denmark. And the date are set : 11th…Location: Ridehuset Vester Alle 1 8000 Aarhus C Denmark Vorbei: 12j 10m · 2.057 · Eingetragen von protoned Fotos0 People KARMA TRIBAL GATHERING 2012:: CAPTAIN HOOK, DigiCult, PHAXE Aarhus · Dänemark Sa., 11.02.12, 20:00 - So., 12.02., 03:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 10m