Party 29. - 30.06.13 · Indoor · BIRMINGHAM, Großbritannien Line-Up: LUNAR ASYLUM (Phantasm, Transient records)Flo (Floroword) CosmoNaughty (Kanyini) JIm Appleton ( GoaTranch)Info: KANYINI has for over 3 years now been bring the west Midlands parties of new cutting edge psychedelic sounds but so often with everything you have to have a look back at where you've come from, so…Location: Suki10c, Vorbei: 11j 8m · 944 · Eingetragen von KANYINI Fotos0 People KANYINI ::: Retro GOA Allnighter ::: feat LUNAR ASYLUM (live) Birmingham · Großbritannien Sa., 29.06.13, 22:00 - So., 30.06., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 8m