Party 19. - 20.04.13 · Indoor · BIRMINGHAM, Großbritannien Line-Up: O.V.N.I & PURUSHA (Ovni has a history in trance that goes back as far as the days of megadog, Purusha was Dj and promoter with Cabbage yorkshires long running psy trance night, these days he plays syn…JON KENOBI (Psyneumatix records Australia) AWEN () COSMONAUGHTY (Kanyini)Info: in April 1943 chemist Albert Hoffman was cycling back from the lab one day and he realised he was out of his tree. he figured it but have been the chemical he'd been working on in the lab that day Lys…Location: Suki10c Vorbei: 11j 9m · 1.140 · Eingetragen von KANYINI Fotos0 People KANYINI :: A psy trance party to celebrate 70 years of LSD25 Birmingham · Großbritannien Fr., 19.04.13, 22:00 - Sa., 20.04., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 9m