Party 30.11. - 01.12.12 · Club · Berlin, Deutschland / 24 Line-Up: International Lineup & Friends LIVE ---- Our special guest on the lineup will be this date: ::: ACE VENTURA ::: (IBOGA RECORDS - Israel)…DJ ---- ::: CUBIXX ::: (IONO MUSIC - Germany) ::: DR. CHANGRA ::: (IONO MUSIC - Germany) ::: GANDALF :…Info: They say that home is where the heart is, but what if you have managed to stretch your heart worldwide? We have worked so hard the past 7 years that we have neglected our home base, our big teddy bear…Location: GOYA Berlin Nollendorfplatz 5 10777 Berlin, Schoeneberg Near… Vorbei: 12j 2m · 17.160 · Eingetragen von jensson Fotos0 People ***** IONO NIGHT BERLIN ***** Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 30.11.12, 23:00 - Sa., 01.12., 16:00= 17stdClub · / 24 · Vorbei: 12j 2m