Party 19. - 20.03.11 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Österreich / 7 Line-Up: KINDZA (Osom Music) Russia Leo aka KINDZA : He was born in Russia, Moscow. The exact time is not yet known by scientists. Little Leo really enjoyed to take clocks and watches apart. When he got…- PHILOSO (Spontaneous Aerobics Rec.) Aut ---- - LYSERG (WildSevenRec/Lucid Dreams) Aut ----…Info: Advanced Psychedelic Trance . ....bring a Smile and good energies.... and be prepared for a !!! POWERFUL and MIND EXPANDING DANCE NIGHT !!! :) . boooom!Location: VAZ HAFEN / @Hades Innrain 149 6020 Innsbruck Vorbei: 13j 11m · 5.918 · Eingetragen von DJ PHILOSO Fotos0 People INSANE VISION with KINDZADZA -3hours Live- Innsbruck · Österreich Sa., 19.03.11, 22:00 - So., 20.03., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · / 7 · Vorbei: 13j 11m