Party 26. - 27.03.11 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Österreich Line-Up: ELECTRYPNOSE [Digital Psionics, 2to6 Records] Swiss Created in 2001, Electrypnose is exploring the electronic music-and-noise world and tries to share its sound universe. Based in Switzerland, the lab…JARAMOGI [2to6 Records, Malicelabs] NAIMA [Malicelabs, Mindfunk Records] COSMIC TUNE (Blasius Buam) Psyfloor hosted by JaramogiInfo: There will be 3 Floor's with Psychedelic Trance, Drum&BASS & Minimal/Techno! DNB FULLCONTACT FLOOR... TODESSTERN / oldschoolminimal`n`riotmoshcore`n`bass [Live] EGO / Fullcontact NODE / Fullcontact SA…Location: Hafen Innrain 149 Vorbei: 13j 10m · 3.079 · Eingetragen von jaramogi Fotos0 People INNTAKT with ELECTRYPNOSE Live Innsbruck · Österreich Sa., 26.03.11, 22:00 - So., 27.03., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 10m