Party 29.02. - 01.03.08 · Club · Enschede, Niederlande Line-Up: TORINO / electic BUSHDOCTOR / electro DJO / psy progresive, electroInfo: After party in the IT'S, It's also a happening in town cald funky friday whit dj's playing out door true out de town, every 4 years is a extra day 29 feb. come and enjoy your self...Location: stadsgravenstraat 13 Vorbei: 16j 11m · 1.493 · Eingetragen von Djo Fotos0 People ## IN ZEN## Enschede · Niederlande Fr., 29.02.08, 23:00 - Sa., 01.03., 04:00= 5stdClub · Vorbei: 16j 11m