Party 06. - 07.03.09 · Indoor · Manchester, Großbritannien Line-Up: KROME ANGELS (Boa Group Ltd) FIRST UK APPEARANCEDEJAVOO (Transient Records) Dino Psaras Deedrah Shanti MatkinInfo: Blasting our way into 2009, the illumiNaughty tribe are back with a birthday celebration which once again pushes the boundaries of music, art and performance like never before! To say a massive ‘thank…Location: The Ritz Ballroom Whitworth Street West, Manchester Vorbei: 15j 11m · 2.096 · Eingetragen von lefteris Fotos0 People illumiNaughty Chapter XV - The Experiment- KROME ANGELS Manchester · Großbritannien Fr., 06.03.09, 22:00 - Sa., 07.03., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 11m