Party 12. - 14.10.18 · Open Air · Saboia, Portugal Line-Up: LINE UP (Tribal Area) LIVE ACTS 🎶 ✦ PSYCHIC ANOMALY ✦ (1.2.Trip Rec) - Ritual de Abertura - ✦ TRYAMBAKA (Bhooteshwara/Locobot)…Info: TranceDance ritual is to the planet, as the heartbeat is to our body — ❂ IK Psychedelic Gathering ❂ —-- Bilhete na Porta / Ticket at the Gates - 20 € — ॐ Psychedelic Art De…Location: Monte da Foz da Bunhiera 37.444819, -8.559280 Vorbei: 6j 4m · 1.086 · Eingetragen von Ru Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People IK Psychedelik Gathering Saboia · Portugal · Karte Fr., 12.10.18, 20:00 - So., 14.10., 20:00= 2tOpen Air · Vorbei: 6j 4m