Party 04. - 05.10.14 · Indoor · Stockholm, Schweden Line-Up: -LIVE- Loose Connection - Britain (UK) [Catawampus Recs / Free Radical Recs / Kamino Recs] Jach the Tripper - Sweden Live/drums N Djset [Horsepower Production] Sound…Info: DjurniversE We can call this the after party! For all you people that missed our main event, you will get a second chance to be eaten up by HUR GÖR DJURs madness!! This will be a true psychedelic gath… Vorbei: 10j 4m · 884 · Eingetragen von Lostcrew Fotos0 People HUR GÖR DJUR 2,0 Stockholm · Schweden Sa., 04.10.14, 18:00 - So., 05.10., 13:00= 19stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 4m