Party 30. - 31.10.21 · Open Air · Bogotá, Kolumbien Line-Up: Spanish Below---- International Artists Elowinz (Parvati Records) - Brazil The Sideffex (Labyrinthine Crew) - Austria Disfunction - Brazil Pyroclasm (Quantum Daemon) - Bolivia Kuogui - (Agya Sounds Re…Info: Spanish Below---- 🦉Huitaca Ritual ✨ October 30 & 31 / Bogotá-Colombia Huitaca Ritual is committed to the creation of spaces for the exchange of experiences in which various artistic and cultural expre…Location: Bogotá Las rosas cundinamarca Bogotá Vorbei: 3j 4m · 865 · Eingetragen von Huitaca Ritual/Colombia Fotos0 Meeting0 People Huitaca Ritual Healing Bogotá · Kolumbien · Karte Sa., 30.10.21, 10:00 - So., 31.10., 18:00= 1t 9stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 3j 4m