Party 31.12. - 01.01.06 · In- & Outdoor · Vagueira, Vagos, Portugal Line-Up: NEUROMOTOR (Acidance Rec / Mechanik rec) - FR exclusive new album presentation "Bloody Reallity" on Acidance S-RANGE (Liquid Records / Spiral Trax) - SW new album presentation "Another…FRED (Mechanik) - FR NIKITA (Auraquake) - RU ANTHONY (Liquid Records) - SW CRYSTAL DROP (Mechanik) back2back ANAKA (Mechanik) - FR JUGGLER ( / Quark) - P TATA ( - PInfo: HOW TO REACH THE PARTY A1 exit AVEIRO IP5. Follow direction AVEIRO / PRAIAS. In the end of IP5 drive to COSTA NOVA. Follow our arrows to the party! Good Trip, drive with precaution !!!Location: Aquatic Park, Vagueira Beach Vorbei: 19j 2m · 5.645 · Eingetragen von Quest Fotos0 People HOLOGRAPHIC Quest 2006 Vagueira, Vagos · Portugal Sa., 31.12.05, 14:00 - So., 01.01.06, 18:00= 1t 4stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 19j 2m