Party 28. - 29.10.11 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: Hunab Ku (hightechpleasures) Parallel Phenomena (pt) (quartzlockrecords, hightechpleasures) Cosmic High (nl) Oracle (nl) (hightechpleasures)Info: We all...!!! Celebrate the 9th Wave of the maya calender end the birth of Englightened Unity ConsiousnessLocation: Akhnaton NieuweZijds Kolk 25 Amsterdam Vorbei: 13j 3m · 772 · Eingetragen von walter Fotos0 People HighTechPleasures Amsterdam · Niederlande Fr., 28.10.11, 21:00 - Sa., 29.10., 05:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 3m