Party 04. - 05.03.06 · Indoor · Near Bologna, Italien Line-Up: SILENT SPHERE (MIDIJUM RECORDS) CH ...the first time in Italy!!! Silent Sphere was originally a project of three, Simon Weber (dj sym) Mario Kuoni and Adrian Schaller (Dj Efreet), who come from Bern S…ORARIO LINE-UP: -00.00 / 01.30 SAGRA (Electronic Brain) -01.30 / 02.30 VORTEK (Interzone Inc.) -02.30 / 03.30 ANNXIA Live set (Interzone Inc.) -03.30 / 05.00 SUN (Solarsiv Rec.) -05.00 / 06.00 SILENT…Info: "-" Happy Birthday ALION (E fatti dare nel C.) stavamo scordando di PULSAR...buon compleanno anche a te!!!Location: "-" Near Bologna Vorbei: 19j · 6.266 · Eingetragen von EartH-BreaKer !!! Fotos0 People *HEXALINE* (SILENT SPHERE LIVE) Near Bologna · Italien Sa., 04.03.06, 23:30 - So., 05.03., 12:00= 12std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 19j