Party 27. - 28.09.14 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande Line-Up: After a long period of summer festival it's time to usher the indoor season!! For true lovers of underground parties the 4th edition of the so called "Balloons party" will take place on 27-0…Location: Hundread Sound Accompany Popdijkemaweg 31b, 9731BB Groningen Vorbei: 10j 5m · 886 · Eingetragen von DJ Rob(BooM! Rec./SICK Rec.NL) Fotos0 People Het Ballonnetjes feest · we houden 't lekker luchtig!! Groningen · Niederlande Sa., 27.09.14, 23:00 - So., 28.09., 07:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 5m