Party 06. - 08.03.09 · In- & Outdoor · Eindhoven, Niederlande Line-Up: Dear People Here A invatation for the opening of HCZ complex in Eindhoven. 2 days, 2 Nights Art&party For FREE!!!! With Expo's Live music: hiphop bands D.J.'s 06-03-09 Fridaynight Electronics Adapter…Info: Both day`s have openings and closing times. The closing time`s i stil don`t know. sqoud he.....! EXPO`S Mobile Kitchen Give away shop Fun for children Workshops Live music: hiphop bandsLocation: Vonderweg 11, Eindhoven. (near psv stadion & TAC, Tempory a… Vorbei: 16j · 1.659 · Eingetragen von Metatron-Rob Hood Fotos0 People HCZ Artoffensief & Dance happening Eindhoven · Niederlande · Karte Fr., 06.03.09, 16:00 - So., 08.03., 12:00= 1t 20stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 16j