Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 31.12. - 01.01.08 · Indoor · Toronto, Kanada Line-Up: LA BAAZ (Echoes Record, Coldgroove: Switzerland) We welcome a legendary figure for New Years, who brings his dark, hypnotic and deep beats to our psychedelic festivities. Patrick Sonderegger made wave…Jarek Jeremy R Lexicon Plan B Rook Shankar SketiLocation: DLM Studios 1610 Bloor Street West, Toronto Vorbei: 17j 2m · 1.529 · Eingetragen von DJ Shankar Fotos0 People Harmonic Duality Toronto · Kanada · Karte Mo., 31.12.07, 22:00 - Di., 01.01.08, 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 2m